Terms and Conditions
Version: Nov. 2nd, 2021
By joining the Persistent Growth Membership you accept and agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Medical Advice
Persistent Growth helps you create a learning space for exploration in movement. It does not provide medical advice or therapy for any specific symptom or condition. For medical treatment or medical advice consult a certified health professional.
2. Take Care of Yourself
The material is designed for you to take care of yourself and avoid any harmful or negative consequences. By joining the Persistent Growth Membership you agree that you will not hold Michael Landau or the Persistent Growth Membership responsible for any harm you may see as related to or resulting from our work together. Taking care of yourself is your ongoing responsibility throughout the course, and I do my best to clarify it and remind you of it repeatedly.
3. What You Get
Persistent Growth releases a daily recording with a movement practice for you to follow. As part of the course material you get occasional documents with additional information. You’ll be invited to participate in the participants’ Forum where you can communicate with other participants. You’ll have access to Michael Landau via email. As you advance in the course you’ll have access to all the material that has been released since you’ve joined the membership, and you can go back to any part of it at any time.
I can’t promise you any specific outcome, but people who stick with me for a while usually see great results.
4. Access to the Material - Duration of Membership
All the above mentioned material stays at your disposal for as long as you remain a member. You can end your membership at any time by notifying Michael Landau. If you fail to pay the monthly subscription for 15 days after it is due, we’ll consider your membership terminated.
5. Your Privacy
Your email address is on my distribution list; I will share with you communications about the membership, and occasionally keep you informed about my activities and my writings. You can unsubscribe any time.
I will not share your personal data with anyone without your explicit permission (unless the law requires me to do so).
Our live calls will be recorded and will become part of the course material. By participating you are giving me permission to use them this way. I will never make these recordings public outside of the course context. I may use excerpts in future educational programs or for marketing purposes, but I will do my best to avoid exposing any personal or sensitive information.
If you choose to participate in the live calls, in the comment section of the course or in the Persistent Growth Forum, you understand that your comments remain visible to present and future course participants.
I cannot guarantee privacy in media that do not belong to me and are beyond my control, but I’ll do my best to avoid any external exposure of our communications.
6. Intellectual Property
All material in this course is the intellectual property of Michael Landau.
You have access to this material for your personal use and benefit for as long as you remain a member of the Persistent Growth Membership. You may not copy, share, sell or give this material to any other person or entity. You may, of course, be inspired by it to improve your own life and the lives of those you care for.
7. Payments
Your subscription is monthly and you’ll be charged the monthly fee at the same date each month. If the price ever changes, you will be notified beforehand and given the choice to accept or opt out.
I do not offer refunds, but you can end your membership at any moment; if you choose to unsubscribe you’ll retain access to the material until the end of the last paid period, and you will not be charged any more.
8. Changes to these Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions from time to time at our sole discretion. In case of change, current customers will be notified, so that they can read and accept or reject the changes. Your continued participation in the Persistent Growth Membership constitutes your acceptance of the new terms and conditions.