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Micky Landau
Jul 9, 20212 min read
How Often Do You Eat in front of the Screen
I’ve recently asked this question in a Facebook post. One or two people said they rarely do it. But quite a few wrote that this is pretty...
Micky Landau
Apr 16, 20214 min read
Do You Celebrate Yourself?
How do you celebrate your successes? Do you? BJ Fogg, one of the main figures in behaviour change research and the author of the...
Micky Landau
Mar 23, 20213 min read
Suffering is Optional?
My shamanic mentor Alberto Villoldo used to say something like: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Do you find it outrageous?...
Micky Landau
Feb 1, 20213 min read
Is Sitting Really that Bad for Us?
We are a sedentary society. Everything is organised around convenience (we are willing, even eager, to pay for it), and convenience means...
Micky Landau
Jan 13, 20212 min read
What Do You Think?
Some of us are quite averse to the mere idea of habits. The concept reeks of boring routine, of a life of repetition with no sparkle. Who...
Micky Landau
Jan 7, 20212 min read
Do You Move with Awareness?
I hope this year is starting well for you. Better than the last one, at least. I often use the phrase “Movement with Awareness” to...
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